Though I have lost 3kg, nobody has noticed except for YK who is now inspired to lose some weight himself through healthy eating. For dinner last night, instead of pasta, I made him a delicious mango/tomato/mushroom and shrimp salad.
Today, I've stocked the fridge up with lots of mango, oranges, water melon, papaya, cherry tomatoes, apples and cantaloupe. The family will eat healthily from now on.
Tonight, my other two detoxed friends and I are having a little gathering at a friend's place. While many have been slamming this detox diet, it feels good to have some form of support and encouragement from them during the 8 day journey. You should see how radiant and rejuvenated they look now.
I feel that the most important thing is to listen to your own body. A detox diet that is carried out properly can be beneficial. Well, it certainly feels that way to me.
Yay! :)
am so glad to hear! i was worried tat u might faint somewhere, or take it into habit.....and tat would be bad.....
Won't faint lah. I'm used to eating very little. Even Rusty eats better than me.
hahahahahahahahahaha! i miss the little guy! *MELT MELT*
Sounds GREAT! I think I can only do a detox if I'm not working during the detox period. Otherwise I'll have BIG trouble 'coz I have to be totally focused to be able to think and speak and count in Finnish he he...
But I also need to lose some weight by adding more exercise at least and stopping nighttime snacking ha ha...
Yay! I've been feeding my family fruits and nuts at dinner 5 times a week. They eat meat and veggies at lunch. Myself, I eat fruits and nuts even at lunch and you're right. I feel great.
Wow! No one will tell you're mum of 2 kids! You look great!
You look amazing! And by the sounds of it you feel amazing too!
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