In his very stern voice, he told her to stop. Of course she went into another round of crying frenzy. Being the very sensitive and insecure 30-month old, she probably thought her daddy didn’t love her anymore.
I wasn’t at the scene as I was cooking in the kitchen. After cooking, I hurried to the living room to see her sobbing like it’s the end of the world. My brother was still holding her, looking very displeased while wifey looked morose and helpless.
Being the busybody that I am, I quickly took her from my brother’s arms. “Come, let’s go for a little walk.” She clung on tightly to me, still sobbing while holding a huge strawberry that grandpa had given her earlier. We went to the garden and I spotted a dried leaf that had fallen from the papaya tree.
“Oh, look! We have a little umbrella!” It’s lame, I know but it does look like an umbrella and I needed something to distract her. Well, she stopped crying and her face brightened up when I put the leaf over her head. “See, now you’ve got a new umbrella! A special one too!”
She looked pleased and began nibbling on her strawberry. “Now we must go inside and you will tell Daddy and Mummy you’re sorry.”
We went in, I put her on her Mummy’s lap and said “Ok, sorry! Mummy love love!”. Her mummy cuddled her, “Next time you must behave. Let me look at your toe…” Next, she went to Daddy for some more cuddles….
I know, I know. I shouldn’t molly coddle her but how can I let her cry the whole night? I was hungry you know….
Oh what you did was so sweet :)
Ah, Xiao Ting is so cute :)
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