Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Humidity is killing me!

It's not difficult to understand why Singaporeans are always seeking refuge in air-conditioned malls. Even for someone who loves the sun, the humidity is killing me!

I started the day an hour late because I didn't have to send SK to school. While I usually walk Rusty before the sun is up, today's session began at 7am, just when the sun was showing itself.

By the time we got home, I was sweating buckets. I had to shower (again) before doing anything else.

Then I went to the patio to hang up the laundry. Within minutes, sweat was trickling down my face. It's only 8.30am and I'm contemplating taking another shower (my third) before I leave for work.

On a humid day like this, I can't wait to escape to my air-conditioned office!


mooiness said...

Heheh humidity is one thing I constantly gripe about whenever I visit Malaysia/Singapore.

And it also means that I have to pack twice as much underwear and shirts whenever I fly back. :P

Malar said...

It's raining everyday here! Too much rain!!!

ckl said...

I usually have about 5 showers a day whenever I visit S'pore.

Blur Ting said...

Mooiness - It rained later in the morning. That explains the extremely high level of humidity!

Blur Ting said...

Malar - Oh, it rained so much in Langkawi too!

Blur Ting said...

CKL - I can imagine how it must be like for you!

Amy Lam said...

Am NOT looking forward to that. The weather here in South Carolina is just perfect... clear blue sky with cool dry nights.

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