Feasting with friends and family.
Tossing Yu-sheng for good luck.

Visiting Chinatown to soak in the atmosphere.
Decorating the house with flowers.
Stocking up on mandarin oranges and snacks.
Wearing colourful clothes.
Visiting family.
And taking time off to rest. It was so unfortunate that my car broke down on Chinese New Year eve. Though I managed to get it to the workshop just before they closed for the holidays, it will stay there all week until the mechanics return to work after their break. The initial assessment showed that the entire gearbox needs to be replaced, so I am bracing myself for a huge repair bill.
The timing is really bad of course. This is the time of the year when taxi drivers take a break to celebrate the new year. I wouldn't be able to get a rental car during this period, so we've been relying on public transport. The train was so packed today and the weather is so hot, I'm not really keen on going out anymore.
Oh, love yr white top; exactly what I wld choose for myself.
Car: if repair bill too steep, mayb look for another car, either new or a 2nd hand car where owner is willing for part for COE rebate. Great buy, esp if car is well maintained and still below 5 years old.
Nian nian youyu!
Hi Auntie Lucia, thanks for the advice. I was already looking for another car. Mine is not even 5 years old yet, so this is really quite a shocker. Even the mechanic says it is too early. Oh well...
My friend bought me this top, apparently from a shop that specialise in Bohemian fashion. It's really pretty.
Happy CNY to you and your family :D May the year of the Tiger bring you roaring success ...
Happy CNY to you and your family :)
Why do these things happen at the worst times?
Happy Chinese New Year. Love the bright decorations and all the food! Looks like you had fun with family and friends.
Ting - I love seeing the photos of your extended family. Makes me feel happy too!!
You are so blessed.
I hope your car things sorts itself out.
LOVE all the fun with the family and relatives. I MISS eating with my family on CNY. All the glorious food he he he...anyway, hope you don't have to pay too much to fix the car. I don't feel anything this CNY 'coz I live in such a small village where there are no other Chinese people except me he he...
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