By now, too many people have asked me "What's with CH and his kilt/skirt/whatever?" Well, it's time I address his enthusiasm for this MUG (male un-bifurcated garment) and help to debunk some myths about the wearer.
People ask him why he wears a skirt. It's a kilt dammit!
I can't remember when it started but he showed up one day in a khaki kilt from America. Sure, it raised some eyebrows at first but after seeing him in those things ever so often, I just roll my eyes now. But seriously, he looks alright in them though I think his legs are too hairy.
He claims it's airy, comfy and so convenient, it makes the perfect weekend outfit. It's like, once you've worn a kilt, you don't ever want to put on trousers again. Tradition has it that a true Scotsman should wear nothing under his kilt, it's no wonder there are so many enthusiasts around the world. They post photos of their kilted selves and discuss endlessly about the perfect pleat and cutting.
Apparently it's not as simple as our skirts and dresses. The history of the kilt stretches back to at least late 16th century. With a long and rich history like that, you start learning about the tradition, variants, fabrications, patterns, pleats and accessories associated with kilts. Yes, plenty of accessories like kilt hose, kilt pin, sporan and belt.
CH has most of those things. In fact, his kilt collection has grown rather quickly. In addition to the few utility kilts for daily wear, he has a tradtitional tartan for formal occasions and even a camo-kilt he designed and tailored locally. He insists there is nothing girly or unusual about wearing a kilt. Real men spanning the globe wear them on a daily basis.
I've only seen a caucasian man wearing the tartan kilt in Singapore, so it is no surprise that the people here are still not accustomed to seeing a man in one. Someone took a photo of CH and post it online a while back which drew alot of interest. Needless to say, there were good and downright nasty comments that went on for a long time.
That didn't bother him one bit. That's what I like about him. When I tell people CH writes for a living, they go "Aha! He's the artistic type. No wonder!"
Haha, I wonder if my hubby will dare to wear it. I doubt so :):)
Janice - One thing for sure, he must get used to being stared at.
As long as he's comfortable, and has attained your admiration with or without the kilt, we, your soul sisters are with you all the way! =)so, is he the artistic one?... ;)
for me, i dun wear skirts 'cos i feel "empty" inside! kinda insecure lah. hahahahahahaha......
but i agree, real brave people have no fear of doing things they like (but wouldn't harm any other)!
It is like wearing sarong actually... but nobody talks about men in sarongs.
So maybe should get CH into sarong too :)
MH, i think Sarong not as breezy as kilt!
Anyway, he looks good in that! :P
This post reminds me of something I read in FB today. A friend posted a note in Indo and in one of them it was written something like this:
"If a child tells the parents that he/she wants to be a clown, if the parents are Eastern, they'd tell the child: "Foolish endeavour. You should choose a different profession."
But if the child's parents are Westeners, they'd say: "Great choice, child. Go on and make the world laugh!"
Of course it's generalizing, but still it's true in some sense that in the Eastern world there are different things that are considered normal than those in the Western world and vice versa. :-D
Yeah I agree with MH on the sarong thing... hey CH looks pretty darn sexy in that kilt! And the fact that you can imagine whether they are wearing anything under or not.. isn't that the coolest thing? CH has a lot of self-confidence.. good dude!
I think it's pretty sexy too! And in a different age and a different place, it would have been construed as very masculine and one can see why... I mean... you know... ermmmm... if they don't have undies... well... you know... I'm not trying to be gross. But one can see the point.
Blur Ting, you should organise the Blur Ting Soul Sisters Association to see dah s'pore man in kilt....one day!
me think CH would be proud to show off his manly "skirt" to the gals!
oh, to share an old Scottish joke. abit yellow ah.....
it was said that the Scotch Whisky is far more potent for men than most liquors that the Scots created the kilts. so it's easy for "imeediate action". just flip!!
** hope i dun offend anyone. do let me know if it does. i'm very very sorry if it does and i'll never do it again. promise! =)))
oh, but if CH is to show the Sisters one day in kilt, PLEASE DUN FLIP IT, ya?
My hat off to CH. I'd have absolutely no guts wearing a kilt :D
My bro left the corporate world 'coz he loathes wearing those biz suits and ties! He is always in his flip flops, singlets and shorts. Judge ye not a book by its cover, nor a man by his clothes. People with low self esteem usually put others down through criticism so they can feel better about themselves.
And here I am married to a Scot who hates kilts. Isn't life funny? I must say CH looks very good in a kilt, but then I think kilts are sexy... except once in town here I saw an old man in a kilt and for a moment I thought he was a really ugly old lady. ;-O
I wear a kilt form time to time, too and can only say CH is 100% right.
Besides, if someone knows he's a man, he doesn't need a trousers/pants to prove this.
Mipi (from www.xmarksthescot.com)
Oh and say hello to CH.
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