We discussed about it this morning. He said something about being torn between the threesome and the other cute, more desirable one. Being the supportive and attentive partner, I gave him my two-cents worth and wished him luck. If I were him, I would go for the first choice but then again, it's not about me this time. He's going to live with this, so it's up to him really.
I was even about to suggest going together with him later tonight to have a touch and feel session before making the final decision. The more charming one will follow him home and sit by his bed of course.
Perhaps I should ask my readers instead. Which would you pick? See below:
(A) Nest of tables

(B) One nightstand

And what sort of nightstand were you thinking?
Haha, u really very creative!
Okie, my 2 cents worth
1. 3 tables => can act a stools if ever CH ;s place run out of chairs for gatherings. But, can;t put much things
2. The stand with 2 drawers => can put things inside the drawers but permanently marked to stay besides his bed.
That is a creative one! =)) If more storage is desired, then one night stand would be a more practical purchase.
I prefer the nest of tables. I used to have 2 "one night stand" before & gave them away cos its taking up space :(
Great post !! :):)
Hahahaha ... And there I was thinking just what in heaven's name is wrong with CH!
A!! threesome's awesome! hahaha! really, they are too cute to forgo leh...
i think Option 3 better - Blur Ting!
ngiak ngiak ngiak!
CH, go for the one nightstand, go dude, go! :)
Threesomes sound like FUN!
You really got me there. HAHAHA!
Psst, which one did CH buy in the end?
Kaye - Oops, I forgot to do a follow upon this. He finally bought a totally different one. A cute little button of a cabinet with a small door that opens from the front.
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