I've almost completed my first e-book under the Blurting Series. It's a little book brimming with happy and inspiring ideas as well as beautiful images.
Do you remember how when we were kids, we were happier and more creative? And somewhere along the way, when we become responsible adults, we lose that childlike sense of wonder. Through the book, I hope to inspire people to recapture that wonderment again.
Meanwhile I would like to ask you, my dear reader, to share with me, what happiness means to you. Come on, tell me, what makes you happy?
Who knows your quotes could be immortalised into this little e-book of mine.
A client made me very upset today and almost left me in tears. When I hung up the phone, I told myself, "Cheer up! You're writing a book on happiness for goodness sakes!" And then it worked. I'm over it. It's all good now.
I am sorry to hear that. The most important thing is NOT take it to heart. Someone in our industry, it's inevitable to deal with rude, unrefined and brash personalities. Tell me the name and I'd get it 'fixed':-)
U see u got "Mafia" backing! Haha... Cheer up! We have our such down days...
As corny or cliched as it may sound, true happiness for me is just being around my family :D
Rude clients - All part and parcel of the working life.
Happiness is getting up in the morning knowing that everyone in the home and other loved ones beyond are well.. then look 4ward to another brand new day...
Happiness is having some quiet time
Happiness is getting a dreaded task done and moving on...
Happiness is having a whole week-end ahead...
hi blurting, i'm liking the idea of your book already, especially with 'auntielucia's quotes on the weekends..
may i add to that: thinking of something different to do each weekend... just to make life less mundane!!
EE - Heh, thanks :-) I will tell you when we meet!
Kaye - Don't play play. :-)
Nick - Thanks for your contribution!
Auntie Lucia - Nice to know you're my biggest supporter! Good ones you have there!
Rokujen - hey thanks for dropping by. Yes, that's a good one too!
Hi Ting, just got back from our holiday in europe this morning - we had a fantastic time! This was the first time for my girls to see europe and they love the experience. I guess what make me happy the most is to see that my children are happy :-)
CKL - Yes, I think to a parent, seeing your kids happy makes everything worth living for.
The ability to make oneself happy and the state of happiness will go a long way. =)
Huier - Yup, you're right. Very important!
My idea of happiness: My own beautiful, comfortable space which includes a huge, huge, infinite bookcase packed with millions of books :) and most of all being able to share that space with my other half :)
What makes me happy? Well, I can write a VERY long list, but I'll share some of them here:
1. Talking to my Mom. I LOVE hearing her stories and her updates on many things. She's just SO much fun to talk to. :-)))
2. Sleeping with a clear conscious and without any burdens or doubts lingering on my mind.
3. Enjoying some quality time with R2, my family, and my friends. Quality time is my foremost love language, after all. :-D
4. When R2 does things that are thoughtful. It doesn't have to be big things, but just little things like warming up my hands or feet when they are cold or warming up my side of the bed in winter. Something like that.
5. Finding things or food that I've been wanting for a while and either getting them on a discount (for things) or getting them EXACTLY the way I want them to taste (for food).
6. Going home after a holiday trip and sleeping on our own bed again.
7. Knowing that I've made a difference in someone's life, even in the smallest possible way.
Thanks Wen, for sharing.
Amel - Wah, thanks! :-)
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