Despite all the public education, I'm quite appalled that skinny bodies is still a growing trend. I can understand if impressionable teenagers are starving themselves to look good, but actresses in their 40s like the entire cast of Desperate Housewives are beginning to look like stick insects too.
I feel that women our age look better with a slightly padded body. Yet, it has always been a struggle to maintain the ideal weight. We all want a super slim body that'll look good in all kinds of beautiful frocks but too thin, and we'll appear so haggard and hungry. Nice dress on a scrawny body with saggy boobs and ribs sticking out. Ughh!
So we try to eat well to achieve a wholesome look and end up looking like a well rounded Nigella. That's ok if we're gorgeous and famous like her. If we're not careful, we'll end up looking like the jolly aunty next door.
As my metabolic rate slows down, I'm already eating minimally and exercising on a daily basis to maintain my weight. I often wonder if the Hollywood actresses eat anything at all! And they end up looking like a lollipop. What a price to pay to look bad!
ha! I think I have the advantage here - with no hawkers' centres, working full time, studying part time, raising two kids, no domestic help - I manage to keep my weight well under control :-)
Wow, you're a busy woman! You walk your dogs too!
Make my women meaty!
I try to - usually fit in between dinner preparation & actual cooking: I wash & cut up all the meat & vege, quickly take the dogs out, come back & cook. Not always possible though as the girls may need picking up or like tonight - parents meeting!
With our lifestyle of majority of time stuck at work desk in from of computer ... it's a great feat to keep the weight down indeed.
ck!!! ha ha ha...you look JUST fine Blur... as long as you're healthy and feel in good condition, I think that is just great!
Ahh, the perpetual desire to look thin ... siggghhh ...
Mmmm...it's always one of the hardest things in life: finding the balance. Funny thing is that my friends who move abroad now feels more at ease with their own bodies compared to when they're in Indo.
My body shape has completely changed over the last few years. I realise I'll never look like I did in my teens and early twenties, unless I exist on cabbage soup and live in the gym. No thanks, I like my food and social life too much! Having said that, you need to eat healthily and these super thin actresses and models do not look healthy to me. Okay, some people are naturally thin, but it's not natural to keep loosing weight until your ribs stick out and your head looks like a lolly pop.
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