Maybe it's due to our upbringing, my brothers and I are very particular about feeding the kids. We're the ones who do the grocery shopping in the family. My younger brother is even more obsessive. He visits the market at the break of dawn for the freshest produce for his daughters' meals.
When my kids started taking solid food, I made porridge using fresh fish, vegetables and Japanese brown shortgrain rice which yield a smooth starchy texture. If there's one thing I don't stinge on, it would be on fresh food. We can do without designer togs and expensive toys, but food is what maketh a man. Besides, if you choose wisely, good produce doesn't cost alot. In fact, I find it more cost effective to cook our own meals than eating out.
As a result of our dedication, the kids are very well-fed. YK's teacher often marvel at his smooth spotless skin, asking him what his mum feeds him everyday. Maybe they're too well fed because I don't remember ever seeing them skinny.
This morning, I made them pasta for lunch before I left for work. Imagine their lunch was already cooked at 10am! They weren't supposed to eat until noon of course but who knows? It's extra work for me but I would rather they have a wholesome meal instead of dialing for pizza.
It's hard to get my boys to eat proper food. They're so fussy with what they eat and getting them to eat vegetables, well, let's just say I could broker for world peace easier than I could convince them to eat their greens.
I used to eat quite a bit of junk but have moved on to healthier and fresher food these days.
Well, today I'm going to throw caution to the wind and go pig out at the Ramadhan buffet ... hehehe ...
You're boys are very lucky to have a mum like you. Not all parents spend time shopping for the best, healthiest products and organise and prepare the meals in advance. Of course I realise some kids cam be very fussy about what they put in their mouths and it must be hard work if that's the case.
I admit to having a sweet tooth, but my mum has always cooked healthy meals. I really do appreciate the time and money she spends on feeding us, and the healthy relationship I have with food. I hope to be just like my mum (and you!) when I'm a mum.
I ate a lot of canned food as a kid. In the past 10-20years I have been making my own fresh food, but I still love Heinz tomato soup and always trot down to the English store in the west village to stock up :-)
No wonder you love cooking since your parents fed you well. My Mom's a cook and she's raised in a family of food sellers, so not only that it's cheaper to feed us her own food, she can also sell it at the same time HE HE HE HE...
Unfortunately here in Finland it's not easy to find fresh food and fresh food costs SO much more than frozen food. :-(((( I don't know yet what to feed my kids when I have kids later on. Hmmm...
Yep.... my parents were pretty much that way too...cept for my dad who used a lot of cans when mom was we try and eat a lot of fresh food and fish too. But you know JP has gone the way of the west, so lots of tempting junk food out there! We try and eat fresh foods too and make sure Coffee eats a balanced diet. As a result, we're lucky she's not a picky eater too...
Nick - Yah, I remember you used to write about your junk food! Now it seems you're onto salads. Impressed! Maybe your kids will be influenced.
World- Feeding fussy eaters can be such a challenge. I always see parents get so angry over their fussy kids during meal time.I'm glad I never had that problem with my kids. That makes cooking alot more enjoyable actually.
Fish - Yes, Heinz of course! We used to eat Heinz baked beans :-)
Now that you're living in NY city,you're spoilt for choice actually, with the huge array or organic food and markets!
Amel - After reading your comment, I have come to realise that we're lucky because we live in the tropics where crop is grown all year round. Food is cheaper and plentiful.
Now I know why frozen and canned food is so necessary because of the winter seasonsand inaccessibility of far flung locations.
JY - I have seen Coffee's meals - very healthy and delicious.
Yah, Japan has so much attractively packed junk food. I would probably become a junk food addict living there :-)
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